HANEEN ALSAIFY Collaboration

Finally, the secret is revealed.
I know now you are reading this after I released the good news, my very first collection with store WF. Throughout the years I always found it really hard to buy elegant, comfortable and fashionable modest wear designs. That’s why In this collection I wanted to present my ideas to solve problems we face daily. for example, one of our struggles is that we like one piece but it’s never enough, and we end up with short sleeves, transparent or not long enough fabrics, sometimes too tight and so on.



I had the main idea in April 2018 after multiple successful collaborations with store WF. After wearing one of their dresses when I was on vacation in Istanbul, a lot of people stopped me to ask about that particular dress.
The truth is that people made me take a second look at how elegant and chic is this dress with all its details, fabric, and colours which gave it high quality.
After that we started planning for a collaboration together, starting from choosing the colours, textiles, designs and ending with the finest details like buttons and threads.
However, Some parts are more important than others such as the fabrics, which plays a significant role in each collection. For example “ summer collections” as the temperatures increase in summer and we find it hard to wear something light at the same time not transparent. That’s why we made sure that the fabrics are so light but it’s not transparent.


 Why this line is so important?

This line will be released in the season that of shopping! The summer is coming as well as Eid, that’s why you will see in the collection different styles are suitable for every occasion.

What I loved the most?
For me, the very first piece, where I found myself in the white dress, and we usually know that white dresses are not so comfortable for us as they need to be worn on top of something or with more pieces on it just to hide some areas.

One last thing, for every occasion, age, body type and style .. you will find one piece that is designed for you, fashion is passion and I wanted you all to wear something that you feel yourself on it.






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